FOREX TRADING: Dos And Donts Of Forex Trading


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Dos And Donts Of Forex Trading

forex-trading-14When you begin forex trading there are a few Dos and Donts that you should keep in mind. These tips and guidance mentioned on this web site will help you not to make any mistakes while you do forex trading.
· You should ensure that the broker or the brokerage that you are using is an established one and is registered with the Securities and exchange board of India. Thus the broker should be having a contract note which is signed by the authorised signatory in this particular case the Securities and exchange board of the country.
· You should also ask for periodic statements of the trading account in order to keep a check on the transactions that you have made using your forex trading account.
· You should not fall for any market rumours or any sudden news that has flooded the market. You should ensure that the news or the information that you are getting is from a reliable source.
· You should not get carried away by what other research analysts are saying but should always use your own discretion when ever thinking of buying or selling a particular currency.
· Remember its your money that is being talked about here and hence you Forex-Tradingshould not just go by some one else’s judgement but do your own home work well.
· Do not give your trading accounts user name password or a login Id to any one.
· Also do not perform any transaction on any web site which is not secured. Secured web sites are the ones which being with https. Your transaction is always safe on such a web site.

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