FOREX TRADING: Forex Trading Time


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Forex Trading Time

Forex Trading TimeForex trading can be done twenty four hours as opposed to stock trading which is done only during the time when the respective stock exchange is open. But the ideal time to be doing forex trading is when there is major market activity around the world. Thus although you can choose to trade as and when you desire it is advisable the forex trading hours that you choose should be the ones in which you can expect maximum profits. The important forex trading exchanges in the world are located in the following cities that is London, New York, Frankfurt, Singapore, Tokyo, shanghai and others.
So you should try and trade at a time when most of these countries will be trading in foreign exchange in order to expect big profits. Also you should try and choose the day on which you intend to do foreign exchange carefully. Though on any day, you can expect the foreign exchange rate to shoot up or to suddenly come down. But it has been noticed that on a general basis the days of Tuesday and Wednesday see the most of the forex trading taking place. Thus if you are intending to take up forex trading in order to make some money you should keep the time of the forex trading in mind and also take care of the day on which you will choose to trade in foreign exchange in order to generate higher revenues from your foreign exchange 

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